West Herts Hockey Club - Subscription

Annual Membership Subscription

For this you will receive a full season of competitive hockey fixtures 
and post-match teas, plus access to weekly training from qualified coaches. Details of how to pay can be seen within this document. Any questions please direct them to whhctreasury@gmail.com





DUE- 31 Oct


ALL Under 12s £150
Under 18s (Junior Hockey Only) £175
Under 18s (Seniors & Junior Hockey) £215

MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS- Deposit + 5 monthly payments by Direct Debit**


£175 + 5 x £50**

ALL Under 12s
£50 + 5 x £20

Under 18s (Junior Hockey Only)
£50 + 5 x £25

Under 18s (Seniors & Junior Hockey)
£65 + 5 x £30

Captains /Committee members discount
(per season)


Goalkeepers (per season - lump sum)***



Goalkeepers (per season – monthly instalments)

£75 + 5 x £30

£50 + 5 x £15

Family discount per child


Casual / Starter or Training Only

£125 which includes training + maximum of 5 games.

After 5 games full subs will apply

See Junior Information

Unless agreed with the Treasurer:

* ANNUAL PAYMENT must be paid before the end of October; otherwise monthly instalments will apply.

** MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS The deposit must be received, and the direct debit set up before the end of October.
Monthly instalments should be made by direct debit and paid at the start of each month for five months - November, December, January, February and March

*** GOALKEEPERS discount only applies to those supplying their own kit.

All subs or arrangements must be received by the 31
st of October, otherwise you cannot be selected for matches.

We understand that there may be individual circumstances which prevent you from paying by the 31st Oct and we will course support our members where we can, however please ensure if you are going through financial difficulties that you discuss and agree an individual plan with the Treasurer whhctreasury@gmail.com by the 31st of October.